Omega Girl Porn Comics
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One morning when Wong was walking to school with his neighbor Sharona, he managed to sneak a peak under her skirt. To his surprise, Sharona wasn't wearing panties. Since then, he's been fighting his desires for Sharona. Time has passed and Wong finds he is unable to resist his desires any longer. Wong designed a cam copter to sneak a peek at Sharona naked. While the cam copter managed to get several good looks at the naked Sharona, the copter itself was unable to return home. Later that morning, Sharona meets with Wong and asks him to help her with her math. Wong agrees and the two head into the Lapel Home. While the two are studying, Sharona goes to grab a calculator. Wong begins to masturbate when Wong's sister, Ashley, calls Wong back to the house for dinner.


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We delve a little deeper into Alexis's background and discover her relationship with the Boss. He has a job for her, but she's hesitant about it. Meanwhile, we're introduced to the interesting contrasts between a new couple into wild rough sex and the sweet loving relationship Michael has with his beautiful wife. What kind of job does the Boss have in store for Alexis? Who's this wild sexy couple we meet? Find out this and more in this latest issue of Omega Girl!

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